In Capcom's Street Fighter video game series, the character Sagat is a Muay Thai master and a national hero in Thailand. His student Adon is also a practitioner.
In SNK's Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting and King of Fighters video game series, Joe Higashi and King utilize Muay Thai as their fighting styles.
In SNK's World Heroes 2, the character Shura/Naikanom Tom is based on the legendary Muay Thai hero, Nai Khanom Tom.
In the Dead or Alive video game series, the fighter Zack is a self-taught Muay Thai master.
In True Crime: NYC it is possible to learn Muay Thai. The game shows a kick strike, an elbow strike, a clinch grapple, and a flying knee attack as a special move.
In the Virtua Fighter video game series, the character Brad Burns is an undefeated Muay Thai champion from Italy.
In the Squaresoft video game Ehrgeiz, the character Prince Doza is a Muay Thai practitioner who won many battles.
In Capoeira Fighter III, there is a lady Muay Thai fighter called Chompoo.
In Clover Studio's God Hand features an enemy called Tiger Joe who fights predominantly using Muay Thai style.
In Data East's Fighter's History, the character named Samchay Tomyamgun utilizes Muay Thai as his fighting style.
In Namco's Tekken fighting game series, the character named Bruce Irvin is a Muay Thai master.
In OGPlanet's Rumble Fighter, the user may buy a scroll that teaches the user Muay Thai.
In the Mortal Kombat series, the character Jackson Briggs, a.k.a Jax, uses Muay Thai as a fighting style.
In Bully, Bryce mentioned being trained in Thai Kickboxing.
In UFC 2009 Undisputed, Muay Thai can be selected as a striking discipline.
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